SolidWorks For Dummies: 2nd Edition

Swdummies2 SolidWorks for Dummies, 2nd Edition was recently released by J Wiley Publishing.  The 2nd Edition has been updated to include all the changes in the software up through SolidWorks 2008.

The book was authored by Greg Jankowski and Richard Doyle.  Richard called me up last June and asked me if I wanted to be the Technical Editor for the book.  This was the first time I have had the opportunity to do anything like this, so I gladly accepted.  It was QUITE the learning experience.  Pouring through 357 pages checking technical content really took some time but was a wonderful experience.  It really showed me the amount of work that goes into writing a book.  I have a whole new respect for guys like Greg, Richard, Matt Lombard, and all the other authors out there who have written books on SolidWorks.  Check out SolidWorks for Dummies, 2nd edition in a book store near you.
